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Genealogy is the study of family history. It can be fascinating to learn about the lives of your ancestors
and to see how your family has changed over time. Genealogy can also provide a sense of connection
to your past and can be a source of strength and inspiration. If you have hit a dead-end
in your research, or if you are looking for a missing relative, consider hiring a genealogist

Frequently asked questions

Can a genealogist help me find research on my family history?

A genealogist is a professional researcher who helps people find out more about their family history. They use a variety of methods, including record searches, interviews, and DNA analysis, to trace your ancestors back as far as possible.

If you’re interested in finding out more about your family history, or if you have hit a dead-end in your research, consider hiring a genealogist. They can help you break through those brick walls and learn more about the people who came before you.

How may I find some find missing relatives using genealogy?

Most people trace their ancestors because they want to know more about where they came from. It can be fascinating to learn about the lives of your ancestors and to see how your family has changed over time. Genealogy can also provide a sense of connection to your past and can be a source of strength and inspiration. If you have hit a dead-end in your research, or if you are looking for a missing relative, consider hiring a genealogist.

Does finding out about my ancestors help me learn more about myself?

Many people find that tracing their ancestry can be a journey of self-discovery. As you learn about your ancestors and the circumstances they lived in, you may begin to see parallels with your own life. This can help you to understand yourself better and can give you a greater sense of connection to the past. If you are interested in learning more about yourself, consider hiring a genealogist.

I have found a long-lost relative; how can I connect with them?

If you are looking for a missing relative, or if you have hit a dead-end in your research, consider hiring a genealogist. A professional genealogist can use a variety of methods to help you find out more about your family history and trace your ancestors back as far as possible.

Can genealogy help me learn about my cultural heritage?

If you are interested in learning more about your cultural heritage, consider hiring a genealogist. They can help you to trace your ancestors back to their country of origin and can provide information about the culture and customs of your ancestors.

Can genealogical research help me learn about my ancestors' lives?

Genealogy can be fascinating to learn about the lives of your ancestors and to see how your family has changed over time. Genealogy can also provide a sense of connection to your past and can be a source of strength and inspiration. If you have hit a dead-end in your research, or if you are looking for a missing relative, considering hiring a professional genealogist.

How can a genealogist help me document my family tree?

Genealogists are professionals who help people find out more about their family history. They use a variety of methods, including record searches, interviews, and DNA analysis, to trace your ancestors back as far as possible. If you’re interested in documenting your family tree, or if you have hit a dead-end in your research, consider hiring a genealogist.

Who is the best person to help me with my family history?

If you are interested in tracing your family history but don’t know where to start, or if you have hit a dead end in your research, consider hiring a genealogist. Genealogists are professionals who can help you find out more about your family tree and the lives of your ancestors. They use a variety of methods, including record searches, interviews, and DNA analysis, to help you trace your family history back as far as possible.

“Carol had a difficult challenge researching my Ukrainian roots given the changes in the spelling of the name when translated and poor documentation?.  She continued to dig and ended up being very successful in tracing them to the early 1600s.  Carol conducted additional research on my maternal line.  Following their immigration from Galicia to their settlement under the Homestead Land Grants here in Alberta.  Her research provided additional  information to add to our family’s story.” – 

Janet Wayne (Wengzynowski/Vengrzhinovsky)