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How To Find Your Family's Vital Records | Creative Roots

Written by Carol Walsh | Jan 12, 2024 1:14:00 AM

Discovering your family's vital records is a crucial step in tracing your ancestry. Reach out to the county clerk's office, where your ancestor resided, to access records like birth, death, marriage, and divorce. Alternatively, explore online databases managed by state authorities or private entities for comprehensive information. Additionally, check with the church your ancestor attended, as their archives may hold valuable records of baptisms, marriages, and funerals.

Start With Yourself – Gather your own vital records first

Starting your own family history research can be a daunting task, but it's important to start with yourself. Gather your own vital records first, including your birth certificate, marriage certificate, and death certificate (if you have one). These documents will provide basic information about yourself and your immediate family members. You can order copies of these documents from the Vital Records office in the state where you were born. Once you have gathered your own vital records, you can begin looking for other relatives who may also have copies of these same documents. Check with grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, etc. They may be able to help fill in some gaps in your knowledge about your family tree. If possible, try to get original copies of any vital records that they may have; photocopies or digital scans are also acceptable though."

Check with family members for important documents

If you're looking for vital records, the first place to start is with family members. Gather what you know and easy to obtain.  They may have copies of important documents like birth certificates and marriage licenses. Even if they don't have the originals, they may be able to tell you where to find them. Another good source of information is local libraries and historical societies. They often have resources that can help you track down vital records. And don't forget about the internet! There are a lot of websites that specialize in helping people research their families.

Contact your local vital records office

If you're looking for vital records, the best place to start is your local vital records office. They can help you locate records and will have a wealth of knowledge about where to find what you're looking for. There are also many online resources that can be helpful in your search. The website is a great starting point, as it has an extensive database of birth, marriage, death, and other types of records from around the world. Another useful site is, which has both free and subscription-based resources available.

Try online databases

There are many government agencies that now make vital records available online. This is a great resource for researching your family. You can often find birth, death, and marriage records online. One of the best places to start looking for vital records is at your local library or county courthouse. They may have some information that you can access without having to pay a fee. You can also try searching online databases such as FamilySearch or  Be aware to check the finding aids as every province has different rules on records and their availability to the public.

Search for historical societies in your area

If you're looking for information about your family history, one place to start is by connecting with your local library.  More and more libraries are providing support for the hobby genealogist with researching their family history.  Another stop is connecting with historical societies in your area. They may have archived copies of old documents that can give you clues about your ancestors. Check the website of the library in your town or city – they may also be able to help you find resources relating to local history. And don't forget to ask older relatives if they know anything about your family's past. Even small pieces of information can be helpful in piecing together a picture of where you come from.


In conclusion, researching your family can be a fun and rewarding experience. By following these tips on how to find your family's vital records, you will be well on your way to discovering more about your heritage. So what are you waiting for? Start searching today!

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